Manu Upadhyaya

Lund University, Department of Automatic Control


Email: first.last[at]

I am a PhD student at the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University and in the WASP (Wallenberg AI, autonomous systems and software program) graduate school. My main supervisor is Pontus Giselsson, and my co-supervisor is Sebastian Banert. I joined the department in July 2020.

I have received an MSc in engineering physics (2020), an MSc in finance (2020), and a BSc in mathematics (2015), all from Lund University. I have also spent time as a student research visitor at UC Berkeley (2017) and ETH Zürich (2018).

My research interests are continuous optimization and its applications, e.g., machine learning, control, and finance. I currently focus on the design and performance analysis of first-order algorithms for convex optimization and monotone inclusion problems.


  • Jun 22, 2024 I will visit the Sierra team at Inria Paris from September 2024 until February 2025.
  • Jan 15, 2024 The manuscript titled Automated tight Lyapunov analysis for first-order methods has been accepted for publication in the journal Mathematical Programming.
  • Dec 14, 2023 I am excited to announce that I am co-organizing the 21st conference on advances in continuous optimization (EUROPT 2024), set to take place in Lund, Sweden, from June 26 to 28, 2024. For more details, visit the conference website.